Thursday, May 05, 2005

A Walk through Blog Land!

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I'm sorry I haven't updated the site in a while, loyal readers. You've been checking my page every day, no doubt, sighing audibly at the sight of that now-familiar gerbil. Well, the wait is over.

I realized earlier this evening while posting criticisms on Donny the pornographer's site that I've been neglecting my own responsibilities as a blogger. Criticsms? Why, yes. You see, Donny hasn't been posting pictures of naked chicks (as he should be) recently. He's become thoughtful and political all of a sudden, voicing actual feelings and concerns. The outrage! I mean, I'm perfectly okay with him talking about serious stuff, but at least have the decency to decorate these posts with naked women!

If you're going to continue with serious topics, here's a possible format you could follow, Don:

Title: "A Sad Day for Donny."

Text: "...My beloved dog, Rex, died peacefully in his sleep last night - he was 11-years-old."

Picture: (Naked girl playing with her boobs)

Text: "...I'm truly going to miss you, pal. I keep tearing up every time I see your empty food dish and your well-chewed tennis ball."

Picture: (Girl - legs spread)

Text: Rex: 1994 - 2005

Picture: (Two topless girls making out)

You know, something like that. You mix the good with the bad.

So anyway, I posted a couple of comments on the most recent of Donny's posts. They read as follows:

"By today's standards." That's a phrase that's tossed around a lot--but do you really think that the men of past centuries were such a "down to earth" bunch? Hell no, they weren't! They knew a fine piece of ass when they saw it! And if Jebediah had a hot wife, you better believe the whole community looked at their beastly companions a little differently. I'm guessing that the popularity of your 'ugly models' is simply due to them being oddities in the porn world. After all, people are also very willing to stretch their necks to view a bloody car wreck too."

And then: And Donny!Let's get with the program, eh? Billboards? Jane Fonda the 'traitor'? Ugly women? These shouldn't be in a pornographer's vocabulary!

He then responded, saying that my comments always amuse him, and how he wished I would update my blog more often. "Yeah, but whaddayagonnado?" I muttered. And then it came to me! A lot of my time in Blog Land is spent replying to other people's sites. I waste a lot of good stories on their pages as opposed to putting them on my own! Remembering how I posted the gerbil comment reply, I realized that I could effectively kill two birds with one stone by showing you some more of the comments I've left! I'm so smrt!

So here are a few of this evening's messages to other bloggers:

That's a frog - not a toad.

I used to shoot frogs with my Daisy lever-action BB gun. When the BB tore through their bodies, all of their stored energy was expelled in one final, aimless leap. In mid-air they would usually die before landing face first in the muck (Thwap!), their entrails following soon after.

One day I learned that if I dropped those sturdy, "strike anywhere" wooden matches into the barrel of my empty gun, they would fire like little missiles at close range. I'd often spot a frog sitting in a centimetre or two of water, and then shoot a Red Bird his way.

FLOONK! went the splash.

The matches rarely went all the way through the body, either. They'd horrifically stick out from the frog's white belly, along with its greasy, gray organs.

For a human, the equivalent would be a 4x4 beam of lumber hitting the torso at 280-feet-per-second. Ouch!


( In response to a picture the author had taken of a "toad" )

Isn't it gross how they tear their feathers out like that?

"Listen bird," I'll often say. "You may not want to admit it, but this feather-pulling nonsense is a problem--it's a problem that has GOT to stop!"

"Pretty birdy! Pretty birdy! Mackaw!!" they respond.

So vain, those birds. Always looking in their cheap little mirrors; spending hours on their grooming. We're always hearing about the alleged societal pressures teenage girls face - but I think these 'birds' have it worse.

( In response to a picture of a parrot )

It looks as though you let it dangle in a not-yet-solidified bowl of raspberry Jell-O.

But then again, I understand that IS a popular method.

Okay then... carry on.

*Steps out of your blog backwards - slowly*

( In response to a rather awful hair colouring )

Linkin Park? More like STINKIN’ PARK! Haw! Haw! Haw! Haw!!

( In response to a post that actually praised Linkin Park )

You're joking, right? This isn't a revelation by any means. EVERY Pope has been opposed to homosexuality - not just Ratzinger.
It Catholic policy, man! The Vatican is the original "NO GIRLS (or girly boys) ALLOWED" club!

But hey, if you REALLY want to voice your concerns, I'll link you to the man himself:

Joseph is ALWAYS there to answer the people's questions.


( In response to a gay guy who thought he had uncovered a big 'secret' about the new Pope )

For a self-described "insane person," you post a sufficient amount of smut.

Good work, Crazy.

( In response to some guy who talked about being insane, but had lots of good pictures )

Mexican labor – you get what you pay for.



( I've included the link for this one so you can see how subtly perfect this response of mine is. The guy, a pretentious "writer," talked about how he felt the need to get a job--to work with the "common folk." He then explains how he quit a mere hour or two into his FIRST shift. )


Blogger aughra said...

This is great, Wino, I think this is a good way to go with your posts from now on. Actually, not from now on - I miss Pepper.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so in love iwth your comments on other blogs you wrote up a post about it? Someone is admiring himself!!

11:21 AM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Posting your comments, that certainly is expedient.

The comments are indeed smart, or smart-aleck, or wisecrack, or smart-ass! Take your pick.

Why the rainbow colors? Are your readers too dumb to understand a paragraph break?

I sure am. Thank for the visual cues. You saved me from massive hemorraging and a possible stroke.

Which is good, nobody like a sober guy that slurs and stumbles.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Aughra - No, I like to change my medium now and again. Perhaps I'll post some more cartoons in the near future.

Anonymous - If you were me, you'd admire yourself too. Why the hell do you think I contribute to a blog called The Handsomes?

Bottle Rocket - I would have left the colour out of it, but when I bracketed the explanations at the end of each comment it sort of looked as though they were part of what I was saying, which didn't really work. So then I added some colour...which resulted in more colour...and then I had to go out and find that fantasy-like cocker spaniel portrait (which the idiots at Photobucket can't seem to host at the moment).

Bert - Glad you could stop by.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Blake said...


Thanks for finding my blog. I'm not sure how you came about it, but if nothing else, I'm stoked I found your two blogs as a result.

All the best,


1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh like no other

1:19 AM  
Blogger Wardo said...

For some reason, this reminds me of a Simpson's clip-show. I don't know why. Maybe it's the recycled material...or that with the combination of cartoon colours. Yeah, that must be it. The colours. And the happy animals. Everybody loves animals!


12:50 PM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Actually, I fucking hate animals.

But I still like it here.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Blake said...


After reading more you kill me man. I'm laughing out loud.


3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a little Goof! Pathetic little fuck leaving comments on your own blog! I'd pummel your for fun if you weren't a retard. And I DO know who you are Goof!! Canada's not so big...

3:59 PM  
Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Actually, Canada's very big, Mr. Anonymous.

But why would you have any misgivings about pummeling retards? They're very pummel-worthy. Almost as much as the homeless!

You know how every high school has a small troop of retards that roam the halls (under the supervision of a group of highly-payed baby sitters)? Well, I think that when, after 11-years of "schooling," the powers at be decide to let them "graduate" into the real world, they should be given jobs at boxing gyms.

They could be chained to the rafters and used as heavy bags! Brilliant, eh? Retards don't feel pain, so they'd be ideal! Plus, instead of scuffing their knuckles on duct tape and canvas, the boxers would be urged on by their ear drum-splitting screeches and idiotic taunts.

"Joo cawl DAT a punch?! My wee-todd frens could keeeel you! Hah haw heuck---" *PUNCH! PUNCH!*

8:36 PM  
Blogger Donny said...

Hey Bert Ferkner, don't you be givin' out my recruiting secrets. I don't need any competition at the Piggly Wiggly.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Donny said...

About Damned Time, Wino!

9:43 PM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Punching retards is one thing. Saving the mixture of boxer sweat and retard drool is another.

Masturbating with that is great. Don't tell anyone.

Okay, go ahead.

Magical viscosity, I tell you.

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hamster nerd...SUCK MY BALLS

10:23 PM  
Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Only if you lather them with boxer sweat and retard drool.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Gabriel said...

Trent Reznor had a dog named Daisy May. Daisy May died. Your dog dying blows.

9:47 PM  

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