Monday, May 09, 2005

Wino gets Serious (About being a Wino)

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The other day at around noon my sleep was interrupted by a phone call.

Now, most people would simply ignore a call at such an ungodly hour, but my phone has a real bell as opposed to some innocuous computer tone, so this is not an option for me.

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As an aside, do you know why phone companies made the move from bell ringers to electronic ones? Well, neither do I—but here’s my theory: I think they knew that cell phones had the potential to be huge, but realized that if people associated them with the shrill, alarm-like tone of a bell, they wouldn’t buy them! In preparation for the future, the bells were replaced by inoffensive computer chirps a decade or more ago. So now, when you observe the hundreds—and potentially thousands—of people who blab away on their mobiles every day, know that none of them have a home phone like mine; for if they did, telecommunication would be to them as it was in the beginning: an annoyance—not a hobby. Conditioning, man.

So anyway, rather than bury my head in the pillows, which does little to mute the ringing, I find it’s less aggravating to answer the thing.

What!?” I screamed into the receiver.

“Umm, hello?” said a hesitant female voice. “Is this Wino?” She didn’t sound too young, so I held back on the charm.

“Who wants to know?” I demanded.

“Umm, this is Judy from The Dionysus Depot. I’m calling with regards to the application you dropped off a few days ago—if it’s a bad time, I can call back.”

I removed the phone from my ear a moment and tried to put meaning the woman’s words. My hangover wasn’t helping matters, but I slowly began to form a recollection. I did drop a resume off at a nearby wine store in the hopes of gaining easy (and cheap) access to alcohol, but it wasn’t “a few days ago” as Judy claimed, but the VERY day before. Why was she so quick to call? Yes, the education and experience on my resume is impressive, but just as the rules of dating state that you must wait a minimum of three days before calling a person, the same is also true for potential employers. If Judy was serious about courting my talent, she would have naturally realized how desperate calling me so soon would appear. Something about this didn’t add up, but I decided I play along.

"…Hello? Are you there?" said a chipmunk-like voice from the phone at my lap.

”Yes, I’m here,” I answered. “Sorry I snapped at you just now—I’ve been getting quite a few crank calls lately, and there’s nothing more irritating than having your work disrupted by some troublesome little brat. You understand.”

“—Of—of course. Am I to assume that you’re employed at the moment?”

She sounded a little too concerned.

“Well, not exactly. Just some volunteer work I do for UNICEF. I’m up to my neck in paper work” I said, rustling a stack of Hustler magazines that lay on the floor.

“Oh, how nice!” Judy exclaimed, sounding impressed.

She then went through the formalities, asking me where I had worked and so forth. I answered all her questions, embellishing at every opportunity. She wanted to know if I was interested in working for the Dionysus Depot, and I told her that I was.

She then arrived at what had obviously been on her mind from the beginning.

“Now, you are aware of the problems we’ve been having here lately, aren’t you?”

“Can’t say that I am,” I responded. “What kinds of 'problems'?”

Judy went on to explain that neighborhood teens have been walking into her store lately, grabbing bottles of booze from the racks and taking off. The most disturbing news she related, though, was that there had recently been an armed robbery at the establishment.

Now, I’m very much in favor of the access to alcohol this job would provide…but I’m wondering whether or not all of this extra shit is worth it. Do I really want some homey shoving a sawed-off in my face and demanding that I give him the register’s contents because he squandered his welfare check?

It’s a thinker, this one. I do like my wine. It may be worth the risk!


Blogger Wardo said...

Yeah, those desperate homeys and their welfare cheques...when will they ever learn?

I say go for it. You can handle any adversary who dares to step through the gates of the Dionysis Depot. Kids? I laugh at kids, and take their toys.

Also, if you have "easy access" to alcohol, and if you are somewhat uneasy about armed robbery, I'm guessing they want Mr. Hackenpuke to mind the store...alone. That can bring home LOTS of bottles, right? Roommates get thirsty too. Summer's comin' on, after all.

Besides, I'll let you borrow my PPK to stick in your pants. The homeys will trip over their basketball shoes in their haste to get back to the projects!


4:30 PM  
Blogger Trinbago said...

go for it, it's money !

11:51 PM  
Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I say bring the Walther Argus offered. If you drink at work, you can use the empty bottles for target practice out in back.

Use the oportunity for more than target practice and alcohol access. Some ideas:

Make traps! Trip traps at the door. Hell, if you ever wanted to be a cowboy, learn to lasso.

Drink at work. Practice for leisure time.

Learn to juggle. Tell me they already have purple carpet. Right? So what if you break a few.

When you're done working there, you'll be an accomplished alcoholic cowboy circus performer with prank skills and excellent aim.

Do it.

12:08 AM  
Blogger aughra said...

Hmm, bodily harm or free wine? Tough call.

10:43 AM  
Blogger aughra said...

Hmm, bodily harm or free wine? Tough call.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you a cum-guzzling cocksucker or a pathetic self-loathing tiny-dick loser who relies on antogonizing others to be creative?

I can't tell.

Sounds like you have a lot going for you though. I'd fuck you, if not just for the opportunity to tie you up and gag your overflowing with shit mouth.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Wardo said...

Wino, did you hear that? Anonymous can't stand you, but still wants sex with you. You need a stick to beat them off, dude!

Unless it was a guy. Then you need a stick to beat them up.


9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Argus, you dumb fuck, someday when least expect it, you will be zipping your pants up and your ugly dick will get caught in the zipper.

That will be your payback for listing Fight Club as your favorite movie you pussy. I'll let Brad Pitt know another fag wants to rim him.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Wildefrost said...

Why do people seem to be so hostile towards you, kid? You're just an empathetic guy who burns caterpillars and squishes frogs and thinks I have a nice rack.

I enjoy your comments, and have yet to tell you so. Thanks for reading up now and again. What has taken me so long to get here?

5:59 PM  
Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Whoa, where did all these comments come from? I think my readers want me to post something new! :)

Anonymous - Why must you hide your identity? Oh, no matter. I think I know who you really are, anyway.

Argus - I have my stick ready. Anonymous is really a fan of the site...she/he just doesn't have very good social skills.

Sabrina - Yeah, sorry I haven't gotten around to linking you - not that you need any help with traffic! I'll link you right now.

Lauren - What has taken you so long to get here?

Yeah, people are so hostile - I just don't get it.

Well, I kind of do. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a compliment on their rack from me. ;)

11:47 PM  

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